Monday, May 6, 2013

Day 25 (Addendum): Guerrero Negro Part III

Gonzalo successfully rebuilt his wheels just in time for us to ride out and catch one last perfect sunset at Los Amargos (which until now, he hadn't been able to see since his bike was out of commission), quite possibly one of my favorite places on earth right now.  I took this opportunity to work on my photography composition and practicing using contraluz (backlighting).  None of these pictures were altered in any way, they went straight from my SD card to this blog.

My feet were there.

Gonzalo takes in the sunset v.1.0.

Clouds on another planet.

Gonzalo takes in the sunset v.2.0.

From salt formation to sky.

Gonzalo takes in the sunset v.3.0.

Mysterious ethereal planet.

Sky art.

An exercise in perspective.


  1. Amazing pics! I admire your courage to just quit your job and pursue this adventure!

    David, a lawyer from DC

    1. David, thanks! I'm not sure if it's courage or sheer stupidity, but after burning myself for five years at a BigLaw firm, it was definitely time to move on...

  2. Hi LeeAnn,

    I like them but I think the following are the best,

    Clouds on another planet. (marginal foreground crop)

    Gonzalo takes in the sunset v.2.0. ( foreground crop and sorry, Gonz needs to go :( unless you light him with a flash!)

    From salt formation to sky. (foreground crop under lakes)

    Mysterious ethereal planet.

    Sky art.(foreground crop leaving only a sliver of earth)

    and if your feet blotted out the sun on, My feet were there, I think it would be a great shot.

    All in all, really nice shots and a pleasure to look at.

    Keep it up. :)

  3. Nice photos. We'll watch your blog to see where you are and if we can meet up somewhere. We will be heading down the Guerrero coast towards Puerto Escondido to arrive there sometime next week.

    All the best,
    Lars & Jenny
